The #KeepTalking campaign
89% of people working in engineering are men. However, their specific set of challenges with mental and physical health is not often addressed directly. With this campaign, we want to help make it easier for men to keep talking.
Men and mental health
EqualEngineers found that almost one in five engineers have lost a colleague to suicide. And more than a fifth of men take time off work because of a mental health issue. We want to help break down the stigma men face when it comes to mental health and make it okay to ask for support.
Disabilities, especially ‘invisible’ ones, can make it difficult to ask for support in the workplace. This, combined with pressure for men to behave in certain ways, creates difficulty asking for help they need and deserve. This can and should change
Men and physical health
Men are less likely to visit the doctor – around two thirds will put it off for as long as possible. And the third that go to the doctor will withhold information. By talking openly and honestly, we want to educate men on the importance of their health and make them feel more comfortable to take a positive action.
Paying more attention to physical health changes can mean the difference between catching an illness early and treating it successfully and facing a less positive outcome. Click below to read engineer Alan's experience of coming to terms with his diagnosis and his journey back to health.