Living with a learning difference like dyslexia can have its challenges but it also allows people to think outside the box and see solutions where nobody else can. Engineer Mamta Singhal calls these personal strengths her dyslexiability.
Dyslexiability refers to the abilities one gains by being dyslexic. This term sums up everything that I and many others see to be the defining aspect of living with dyslexia. I excel in some areas and find other things more difficult. With time, reflection and support I have realised that my dyslexia comes with some excellent advantages - I have dyslexiabilities!
Unique way of thinking
My dyslexiability has allowed me to see connections and patterns in processes that others may not have seen. I can map pick up coding and IT systems with ease.
Another example is how I view engineering drawings and artwork. I see them in 3D even though they are flat. My sense of space is much higher than the average, so I pick up on errors before others can.
Changing perceptions
I'd like to see us move away from dated misconceptions and start valuing the gifted minds of people with dyslexia. Many organisations actively seek to recruit them because of their their strategic and unique way of thinking.
Perceptions are changing but it is going to take time and effort to show the world that people with dyslexia can shine.
Do you think you or your child may have a learning difference? If we can do something to make things easier, click below to get in touch with us. We're here to support you.