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What to do if you think you may be neurodivergent

Discovering you are or may be neurodivergent can be a daunting experience if you don't know where to turn for advice and support. So we've gathered some key information here to help point you in the right direction.

How to tell if you’re neurodivergent

If you think you might be neurodivergent, the first step would be to research and learn as much as possible. We all experience challenges in different areas but if you relate to a lot of the diagnostic criteria for a condition, and importantly, you feel it is having an impact on your life, it could be possible that you are neurodivergent. You could take a look at our range of neurodiversity tests and quizzes to see if you display neurodivergent traits.

Here are some of the things you can do to get support if you believe you may be neurodivergent.

Speak to your health professional

It may be helpful to discuss your concerns with a health professional, especially if you are thinking about accessing a private diagnosis.

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If you are based in the UK, you are entitled to explore an assessment for ADHD through your NHS provider, however this can be a lengthy and difficult process.

There are many private organisations that can offer an alternative to the NHS pathways, or standard support routes in your country. Take a look at our Signposting Library to find out more about organisations that can help.

Seek support

The good news is, there is a wealth of support available to you, whether you wish to pursue a formal diagnosis or not.

One option you may wish to explore is Counselling or Therapeutic Support to help you understand what a neurodiverse condition means for you, and how you can manage some of the challenges you might be experiencing.

For example, Psychotherapy is a practice that includes a range of talking therapies, each of which uses a different approach to help you process these experiences and alter them to achieve better outcomes for yourself.

"Three months in, I noticed that I was really struggling to engage with my work. I felt sleepy and lethargic all the time, I couldn’t concentrate on anything and my attention was all over the place."

Learn how we helped Mikaela get a diagnosis for ADHD so that she could pass her placement with confidence.

Mikaela Sanchez Branded

Need support?

We know that when you’re struggling emotionally, practically and financially, often the hardest step to take is reaching out and asking for support. And these challenges can have even more of an impact if you’re neurodivergent. But everyone experiences challenges in life, and it’s important to remember that you are not alone – after all, there are thousands of neurodiverse engineers just like you around the world, many of whom may be in a similar situation.

Our support is here to help you live better and thrive – whatever your circumstances. So, if you’re ready to get in touch with us, we’re ready to listen to your needs and offer whatever support we can.


You are not alone. Hear from people across the engineering community on how they’ve managed their neurodiversity journey, and what being a neurodivergent engineer means to them.

Mikaela Sanchez Branded

Learn how we helped Mikaela get a diagnosis for ADHD so that she could pass her placement with confidence.


Read Brian's story of how he got a diagnosis for dyslexia - but wishes the signs had been spotted sooner.

Stuart Redgard DWH Branded

Read Stuart's story of his experiences with Autism – and how his diagnosis helped him understand himself better.