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neurodiversity support

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Find out about all the different ways we can support you to thrive, so you can better manage the challenges that may come with being neurodivergent.

Support to help you thrive

Here at Foothold, we understand the challenges you may be going through if you are or believe you may be neurodivergent.

You might feel alone or isolated, unsure of where to turn to for help and support. Maybe you want to get a diagnosis but can’t afford to cost of a private assessment. Or maybe your neurodivergence is having a negative impact on your day-to-day life, and making it hard for you to get by financially, emotionally and practically.

And if you support someone who is neurodivergent – perhaps a family member or employee – you might be looking for ideas on how you can put better support in place to help make their lives easier.

That’s why we want to help you get the support you need, when you need it. Our Differently Wired Hub is a starting point to help you learn more about the different neurodiverse conditions and what they may mean for you – but there are loads of other ways we can offer you help too, or point you in the direction of where you can get the right support.

Browse the options below to help you find what you’re looking for:

Support for students & apprentices

If you’re currently studying an engineering course or undertaking an apprenticeship in the industry, we may be able to offer direct support to help you thrive and succeed.

Support for engineers

Whether you’re looking for a diagnosis or are experiencing challenges in your personal or professional life, we may be able to provide support to help you get the answers you need.

Neurodiversity tests & quizzes

Take the first step towards a formal diagnosis and find out whether you may present signs of a neurodiverse condition, with these handy tests and quizzes developed by experts.

Signposting library

There are many organisations who can offer further support with neurodiverse conditions. Learn about some of the most prominent ones, and how they could help you, here.

What to do if you believe you're neurodivergent

If you think you may be neurodivergent and would like to get a diagnosis, find out everything you need to know about where to get started here, so that you can take the first steps.

Supporting someone who is neurodivergent

If you support someone who is neurodivergent – for example a friend, colleague or employee – we have lots of information to help you make their lives better.

"I still feel very angry and let down sometimes that I wasn’t diagnosed sooner. I have no doubt that being able to access support earlier would have made a big difference in my life."

Read Brian's story of how he was eventually diagnosed with dyslexia, but wished the signs had been spotted earlier – so he could have accessed support to make his worklife easier, sooner.


Get in touch with us today

We know that when you’re struggling emotionally, practically and financially, often the hardest step to take is reaching out and asking for support. And these challenges can have even more of an impact if you’re neurodivergent. But everyone experiences challenges in life, and it’s important to remember that you are not alone – after all, there are thousands of neurodiverse engineers just like you around the world, many of whom may be in a similar situation.

Our support is here to help you live better and thrive – no matter your circumstances. So, if you’re ready to get in touch with us, we’re ready to listen to your needs and offer whatever support we can.


You are not alone. Hear from people across the engineering community on how they’ve managed their neurodiversity journey, and what being a neurodivergent engineer means to them.


Read Brian's story of how he got a diagnosis for dyslexia - but wishes the signs had been spotted sooner.

Mikaela Sanchez Branded

Learn how we helped Mikaela get a diagnosis for ADHD so that she could pass her placement with confidence.

Stuart Redgard DWH Branded

Read Stuart's story of his experiences with Autism – and how his diagnosis helped him understand himself better.