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The financial support has alleviated so many problems for us. I can’t express how much it helped - it’s enabled us to live a life. Alan Monelle
The financial support has alleviated so many problems for us. I can’t express how much it helped - it’s enabled us to live a life.
On this year's Day of People With Disabilities, we're hearing from Richard Farrar - an electronic engineer who had a life-changing accident.
At Foothold, we want to be transparent and open with our community. That's why our team regularly share their experiences, thoughts and updates to keep you informed.
Dr Neil Stanley talks about why sleep is so important, gives tips on how we can sleep better, and advice on sleep support for engineers.
On this year’s World Autism Awareness Day, Charlotte Smeed and her husband Marc share their family’s experiences of parenting children with autism.
Anxiety UK's Niamh Shepherd writes about the impact COVID-19 pandemic has had on people's mental health and gives tips on looking after your mind.
On this year’s International Women’s Day, Foothold Trustee Kate Sugden writes about seeking the input of those facing different challenges.
Self-esteem is an important part of our identity as human beings. But what does it really mean, and how can we improve it if we need to?
Beverley talks about reasons to volunteer and the volunteering opportunities we offer to students.
On this year's Time To Talk Day, our support team caseworker Jonas talks about the importance of reaching out and the difference it can make.
On this year's Carers Rights Day, Sue Mack writes about her experience of being a full-time carer and the difference our support can make.
The way we have dealt with the last 12 months is with a positive attitude, laughter and not being afraid to ask for help. Sharon Monelle View story Read quote by Sharon Monelle
The way we have dealt with the last 12 months is with a positive attitude, laughter and not being afraid to ask for help.
The financial support has alleviated so many problems for us. I can’t express how much it helped - it’s enabled us to live a life. Alan Monelle View story Read quote by Alan Monelle