Sign up to our mailing list to receive expert advice to help you improve your financial, mental and physical wellbeing, so that you can live well every day. We'll also send you the latest news and updates, and information on how you can get involved with Foothold and support the engineering community.

Debt and benefits advice
Ensuring you have enough money coming in can help you cover your essential living costs or start paying off mounting debts. We can provide support and advice to help you maximise your income, so you can get back in control of your money and increase your financial security.
Building your financial freedom
Like everyone else, you’ll want to feel in control of your finances so you can enjoy the standard of living that you want.
For many people, this feeling of control comes from having a sufficient household income, making a weekly or monthly budget plan, having enough to set aside for saving, or investing to make their money go further.
But when you’re in a difficult financial situation, we know these options can seem totally out of reach. Perhaps you’ve been made redundant, and your salary no longer covers the essential costs you need to get buy, such as bills or your rent/mortgage. Or maybe you’ve got debts building up that are starting to spiral out of control.
The good news is that there is help out there to help you deal with these issues. Whether your money problems are caused by insufficient income or mounting debt, we can offer support and advice that will help you get back in control of your money and build greater financial security for you and your family.
Boost your income with benefits advice
As part of the application process for financial support from Foothold, we will provide you with tailored advice and information on any state benefits or cost-saving schemes you may not know about but which you may be entitled to, through our My Money Checker service.
This service is available to UK-based members of the engineering community who apply for financial support. Our expert team will help guide you through the process of accessing your benefits so you can increase your income and get more control over your day-to-day finances.
Please note that the level of benefit support you are entitled to may affect your eligibility for a financial grant from Foothold. Find out how you can apply for financial support.
UK residents can also use the InBest Benefits Calculator to instantly see if you may be entitled to any benefits or government support. Click here to access this tool.

Banish debt with a financial grant
We know how devastating debt can be when it starts to overwhelm you, and how hard it can be to get back in control. Whilst we can’t help you pay off your debts directly, we can assess your broader financial wellbeing to see if you’re eligible for a one-off or monthly grant towards your daily living costs. This can give you greater financial freedom to start paying off and clearing your debts. Find out how you can apply for financial support.
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