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Welcome to Foothold

We’re absolutely delighted you’ve chosen Foothold as your official charity. We’re really pleased to be working with you. Together we’ll improve the mental health and wellbeing of engineers and technologists around the globe.

Why we need you

  • One in four of us will experience a mental health problem in any one year
  • Almost one in five engineers have lost a colleague to suicide
  • More than a fifth of engineers have had to take time off work because of their mental health
  • Depression is now the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide

Through our collaboration, we will come together to build on our common goals and connect more people working within the engineering and technology sector with the support they need.

Here for you too

You’re a part of the engineering and technology community and Foothold is here for you too. Our website is packed full of support and resources including our free webinars and Wellbeing Hub, or check out our dedicated December Support Hub to help you have a calmer and happier December. 

Whilst much of our support is available to the wider engineering and technology community, some is restricted to members of the Institute of Engineering & Technology (IET). If you’d like to find out more about becoming a member of the IET visit

Get involved

With Christmas just around the corner, there are plenty of ways you can support Foothold this festive season:
  • Send an e-card to your family, friends and associates this festive period and donate the money you would have spent on cards to Foothold.
  • Support as you shop! Do your Christmas shopping with AmazonSmile or Give As You Live and you’ll be supporting Foothold at no extra cost to you.
  • Hold your own December fundraising event (who doesn’t love a mince pie morning or Christmas jumper day?).
  • Face your fear this new year! Why not make your new year’s resolution to take on a challenge event for Foothold? From skydives to desert treks, we’ve got you covered.
  • Take part in Gattaca's ‘Pennies from Heaven’ initiative: From January, you can sign up to donate the remaining ‘pennies’ from your pay each month to Foothold. Your donations will never be more than 99p, but collectively will make a big difference to our charity! Look out for your invitation to join the scheme soon.
  • Donate; from one-off donations to regular monthly gifts directly to Foothold, every pound counts and will help us continue our vital work, this winter and beyond.