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On-demand webinar: Health in a Hurry

Make healthier food choices no matter where you are – at home, at work, or even on the road.

Making healthier food choices feels like it should be easy, doesn’t it? And yet, as we’re bombarded with confusing and conflicting news about what we should and shouldn’t eat, it’s an overwhelming prospect that often keeps us in our old habits.

On top of this, we are increasingly having to make choices ‘on the go’ - especially if your job involves being on the road. With restricted time and budget being a big consideration too, nourishing ourselves and our families can seem increasingly challenging.

Watch this on-demand webinar, where our expert speaker will arm you with some strategies to help build your confidence when it comes to healthier eating. You’ll learn:

The key nutritional guidelines to keep in mind
How to select healthy lunchtime meals and snacks no matter where you are
How to plan quick and tasty lunch box meals at home

Let's eat better!

Meet the speaker

Julie Weston

Julie is the Head of Nutrition for SuperWellness (Foothold’s new wellbeing webinar provider). She has close to 10 years’ experience within the corporate wellbeing industry and a genuine passion to empower people to develop their resilience and wellbeing. Qualified as a Registered Nutritional Therapist, Mental Health First Aider and Health Coach, she believes in a fusion of empathy, engagement and education within workshops and webinars, enabling individuals to be armed with tools to create sustainable change.

Julie previously ran a busy private nutrition practice, supporting 1-2-1 clients in a range of health issues, alongside working for 5 years promoting nutritional awareness at the charity Breast Cancer Haven.

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