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Your fundraising stories

Learn more about the wonderful Foothold fundraisers

We love hearing all about your fundraising – if you’d like to share your fundraising story please contact us on [email protected]

Jason’s fundraising (pony) tale

Fundraising can be a great way of building team spirit and so when one of my team suggested a charity haircut as I was planning a change of image I agreed to the challenge. We agreed that half of the money would go to the charity that one of the team was running the marathon for and as I would be the star attraction, I got to choose the other. I selected Foothold as my family has strong links to engineering through the military and I know some of the staff.

On the day there was a long line of people with varying hairdressing skills and intent – in fact the whole office had a go and it definitely brought a lot of smiles to people working in a challenging NHS environment.

Aside from coming out of it looking more like Harry Potters potions master I can safely say to mis quote a certain haircare advert, “its because they’re worth it” and I would certainly say to others whatever way you want to fundraise, go out there and do it!

Alan Monelle

Find out how we supported Alan and his family after an illness until he was ready to return to work. 

Alan overcoming illness
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