Staff fundraising ideas
Whether your employees are office based or remote, you can find fundraising inspiration in our handy list of ideas.
A shared purpose
Staff fundraising is a fantastic way to motivate your employees and unite them with a common goal; to ensure no engineer or their family must face life's challenges alone. Here are some ways that your workforce can donate to Foothold:
- Pennies from Heaven: By encouraging your employees to donate the small change from their salary, your business can make a big change to the engineering community. Click here to find out more.
- Payroll giving: Similarly to the 'Pennies from Heaven' initiative, payroll giving encourages employees to give something back by making regular donations to Foothold directly from their monthly salary.
To find out more about these initiatives, please contact Gemma at [email protected].
Something for every workplace
There are countless fundraising ideas that your employees can get involved in to raise money for Foothold; these activities can help to build team relationships and can be a lot of fun too!
Take a look at our A-Z of fundraising ideas for your workforce:
Afternoon tea, arts and craft sale, auction, abseiling, art exhibition
Bake sale, bungee jump, birthday fundraising, bring and buy sale, baby photo challenge
Crafternoon sessions, cocktail evening, coffee morning, 'Come dine with me', comedy night, Christmas jumper day
Danceathon, dress down day, dog walking, dogs-at-the-office day
Eurovision pool, Easter egg hunt, egg and spoon race, eBay sale
Fun run, fun day, fancy dress day, fashion show, face-paint zoom call
Golf day, give up something, guess the name, weight, anything!, gala dinner, games night
Head shave, Halloween party, hiking challenge
It’s a knockout challenge
Jazz night, jumble sale
Karaoke night, knitting competition
Lunch & learn, leg waxing, line dancing, loose change collection
Marathon, murder mystery party, music concert
Non-uniform day, netball tournament
Overseas challenge, office Olympics, office bring-a-dish, office open day, obstacle course
Pamper evening, parachute jump party, pancake race, preloved sale, psychic evening
Quiz night
Raffle a day off work, 'Run Til It Hertz' virtual challenge, running challenges, running races, readathon, race night
Silent auction, inter-departmental sports day, scavenger hunt, step-counts, sponsored challenges, sweepstake
Tombola, treasure hunt, tea party, trekking challenge
University challenge
Variety show, volleyball competition
Weight loss challenge, wing walk, world record attempt, wine tasting, window cleaning
Xbox tournament, xmas craft fair, x-factor style singing competition
Yogathon, yo yo challenge
Zumbathon, zip wire challenge
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Downloadable resources
Get your fundraising resources here

Fundraising top tips
Read our top 10 tips to fundraising success

Keeping it safe and legal
The best fundraising is safe and legal, we’ve got it covered for you
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