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Fundraising with your local IET network

Use your local IET network to fundraise for Foothold

Helping us to help others

Local Networks are communities of IET members that come together to deliver activities designed to promote the importance of STEM subjects to the general public, encourage young people to enter the profession and provide opportunities for engineers to share knowledge and network with each other. You can find your local network by following this link: Communities - Local Networks (

If you’re already a member of a local IET network and would like to support Foothold at a future meeting or event, here are some ideas to begin your fundraising:

  • Run a raffle or an auction at events
  • Do a collection or hold a coffee morning at meetings
  • Put on a special event in aid of Foothold, e.g. a prestige lecture or gala dinner

Why not also help to raise awareness of Foothold by simply including a Power point slide at the beginning of your presentations? Email to request a pre-prepared slide: [email protected].

Thank you for your support.




Gemma Marketing And Fundraising Officer (1)